Reflections on Life

Five Really Short Stories 1. While I waited for a friend, I sat at a tiny bistro table, with a cup of cinnamon-plum tea. Two women sitting close to me were talking. One of them said to the other, “you really have a servant heart.” It was expressed so simply. She didn’t say, “you give so […]

Wellness and Choices, Part 2

Last week we talked about environmental wellness. This week let’s move on to how choices we make impact our emotional, social and spiritual wellness. Eight Areas of Wellness 1. physical wellness 2. occupational wellness 3. financial wellness 4. intellectual wellness 5. environmental wellness 6. emotional wellness—taking care of yourself from a “feeling” perspective; living as stress […]

Wellness and Choices, Part 1

We often think of wellness as getting annual physicals, exercising, eating right and getting a good night’s sleep. It encompasses a lot more than that, however! The integration of the different areas of wellness is what allows you to achieve your full potential. Eight Areas of Wellness 1. physical wellness—our bodies need for physical activity, healthy […]

The Bowl of Choices & Sensory Overload—Intentional Living

Living Intentionally is a journey made of choices. Each of us will define that journey differently (because we’re different). If you could fill a bowl with words that describe the life you want to live, what would they be? When I do this exercise these are some of the adjectives that I want to put before […]