Peace Full Home®—Intentional Living

About Me

Peace. Intention. Joy
I’m on a mission to change our world! And, you’re here. So, will you help me?

But, first, let me introduce myself.

Hi! I’m Kay—writer, teacher, seeker. I’m also a mother, grandmother, wife, friend, book lover, tree-hugger and interior designer. I write for readers who want to live into their best lives. It doesn’t matter if you’re eighteen or eighty-one; it’s never too early, or late, to transform; to intentionally create a peace-full reality.

Peace Full Home wasn’t my brainchild—that was all God. In 2013, as I sat outside on a beautiful Saturday morning, I heard the words, “peaceful home”. I went inside, pulled up the name on my Mac but, of course, “” was taken. I let it go. The next morning, I heard it again, but this time it was clearer: Peace Full Home. I thought, “okay, God, I’ll check that out, but I’m pretty sure someone owns that name too.” I was wrong. That’s how I got here, talking to you!

I’m striving for conscious existence, say “Thank You God” each morning as I get out of bed, and have learned that listening to your inner voice—instead of the clanging gongs all around us—can change everything. Intentional living can change everything. That’s what I want for you too. You deserve to live your best life….really!

I believe that:
• informed + inspired = empowered
• thoughts becoming words = words becoming action (the energy of the universe)
• receptive + curious = thinking outside the box
• big ideas + soulful conversations = open-mindedness
• Peace + Intention = Joy

I believe in:
• saying “yes”, instead of “no”, to life
• integration of body + mind + spirit
• truth + speaking with passion
• vulnerability + sharing of real stories
•a less is more philosophy

I hope to share experiences that you can relate to, and insights that help you create your best life, so that you can walk with joy and grace. I want you to recognize that what you’re feeling, others experience too. I’d like to challenge you to see things from a new perspective. And, I want to listen to you! Share your stories, ask questions, be vulnerable. It’s all okay. Let’s share this journey called life. I’m truly honored that you’re here.

Ten Random (or not so random) Things About Me

  1. I love my family so much, and I thank God for them every day. I’m honored to be Sara and Erin’s mother and Lauren and Ethan’s grandmother.
  2. My girlfriends keep me sane! I’ve always been blessed with the presence of strong women in my life. I know the difference between acquaintances and true friends (and even wrote a post about that) and honor the amazing women who add so much to my world.
  3. My husband and I went to high school together in the ’70s but didn’t know each other then. How cool is it that we ended up together?
  4. My favorite career, before Peace Full Home and Kay McLane Design, was as the C.O.O. of a chain of retail stores. I learned a lot in those years and had wonderful experiences that helped make me who I am today.
  5. Bacon and cheese are logical “crisis mode” foods, and Cabernet is the wine of queens (and writers)!
  6. I love writing “To Do” lists even though I rarely get everything crossed off.
  7. I watch nothing with violence, which eliminates a heck of lot of media (including some movies my grandchildren are old enough to watch)!
  8. If it were up to me, the kitchen would always be immaculate. I love to entertain, but really don’t like to cook. When we have parties, Larry’s usually the one doing the food prep and I’m the one making the “Ta-Da!” happen. I even have girlfriends who help me shine the glassware with vinegar.
  9. I love organization. I “stress organize”. I “happy organize”. I dream up new ways to organize!
  10. I’m a glass-half-full person. I got here that way. Thank You, God.

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