Bliss & Peace, Stress & Release

Bliss: euphoria, blessedness, felicity, gladness, joy, paradise. Stress: pressure, agony, dread, worry, disquiet, hardship. Your experiences, mindset, and environments color every part of your reality in this life, and how you treat yourself—whether that’s self-flogging and constantly putting yourself last or self-healing and saying “yes,” to the universe—creates a path. I’m not unrealistic enough to […]

What Is Wealth?

Time is an incredibly fleeting reality, yet my brain is often on overdrive despite my consciousness of the unhealthiness of that! Thinking about how months, years, and decades fly by, I’ve been contemplating an awareness held for a long time: abundance.  All we need to do is turn on the news to see the scarcity that is […]

Giving Thanks

The table of Thanksgiving has been set. For many, it will be filled with laughter and reminiscing. For many, it will be a table for just one. A barely perceptible voice whispers, “you are loved.” “Thank You, God” will be followed by a list of extraordinary blessings. “Thank You, God” will be followed by “for […]