Bliss & Peace, Stress & Release

Bliss: euphoria, blessedness, felicity, gladness, joy, paradise. Stress: pressure, agony, dread, worry, disquiet, hardship. Your experiences, mindset, and environments color every part of your reality in this life, and how you treat yourself—whether that’s self-flogging and constantly putting yourself last or self-healing and saying “yes,” to the universe—creates a path. I’m not unrealistic enough to […]

The Man, The Tree, The Fire

There was a man who, long ago, created a life filled with unbridled joy and an awareness of the universe’s amazingness. Nevertheless, as in many stories, a shift took place; it started slowly but kept building into a flame consuming the truth until he didn’t recognize his value, his verve, or the pain that was […]

Dreams, Rules, Life

Part I I woke up this beautiful summer morning from a bad dream; thankfully, not a full-blown nightmare which I have too often. These sleep-state images were about being in a terrible accident and waking up paralyzed, my ability forever at the mercy of a wheelchair; my life abruptly halted.  In the dream, I was […]


After another night of bad dreams, I woke up tired and disoriented. I called the new day to me, trying to shake off the dark, pulling myself together (literally curling up in a fetal position), then getting myself together emotionally. I’ve never understood the calamity my brain creates as I attempt to sleep when I […]

Fearless Friday

I was asked by a friend, doing research, some “life queries.” Her questions and my responses follow.    Question: What keeps me up at night? Answers: • Nightmares (literally); had one again last night despite being completely violence averse. • Trying to figure out what I’m called to do with the rest of this life. […]

A Different Perspective

Pain is real. I don’t know even one adult who has not experienced some heartache during this lifetime. Yet, hope continues to loom—even in the dark, even when we don’t acknowledge it—perhaps especially when we don’t acknowledge it. It’s sometimes easier to assign negativity and sorrow to our lives than it is to embrace each diamond […]

Beauty Bar, 2022

People who wear makeup have been to “beauty bars.” Sometimes they’re swanky shops with perfectly coiffed artists just waiting to paint you in the colors of their choice. Other times, the beauty bar is in a chain store or pharmacy, where you stand perplexed by the hundreds of items promising to make you look “better,” or […]