Pears & People

The pear tree I planted almost two decades ago is heavy with fruit. Most years, I don’t thin it out as I should, and when I walked outside this morning, I noticed the tree branches weighted down, scattered cores from the deer that feast each night at her base. A peach tree planted the same […]


After another night of bad dreams, I woke up tired and disoriented. I called the new day to me, trying to shake off the dark, pulling myself together (literally curling up in a fetal position), then getting myself together emotionally. I’ve never understood the calamity my brain creates as I attempt to sleep when I […]


This morning—at 5:13 in our Northern Hemisphere—marked the summer solstice, one of my favorite days because it marks the day with the longest organic luminosity. (Summer is also my favorite season.) As I think about this light, I am aware of all the darkness on our planet—this celestial body rotating on its axis, orbiting around […]

Thoughts, Words, Actions—Intentional Living

THINKING What we think has incredible power. At times, we forget how profoundly it affects how we live. PHYSICS Quantum physics, the study of matter and wave-like energy, explains oscillating electric and magnetic fields traveling at the speed of light and what happens inside atoms, which create molecules—the architects of everything in our world! We […]