Metamorphose: transformation, alteration, reshaping

We generally discern “right” and “wrong” based on early life biases. But what if we’re wrong? What if the lessons we grew up with and adopted marginalize others because of how they think, who they love, or the way they see life?

What if others see through entirely different lenses or have life experiences we can’t understand?
What if we chose to see only through the lens of love?

As I think about this “lens of love,” I recognize that not all humans are easy to be with, but I also acknowledge that we’ve all had different paths: some growing up in extravagant surroundings and very little (or no) responsibility, others unloved or with an albatross around their necks their entire lives.

The judgments we place,
the snap decisions we make,
the being consumed with possessions or wealth,
instead of loving big and walking alongside,
alter our world.

You, no matter where you live or what you own, can be an advocate of change in a world often broken and overflowing with pain, where, for some, a life-delivered feeling of being “less-than” either became acceptable, painful, or sometimes hidden in recesses so dark the light could not fight her way out, without genuine care and authentic compassion.

Sometimes we humans elect to adopt hardship and heartbreak, wearing it like a sack of stones hunched on our backs, rejecting the talisman in our hands, allowing sorrow to be the mantra until when digging deep and connecting to our highest selves, we find beautiful, kindred, empathy-filled hearts who invite us to and lean in and recognize our innately tremendous value, creating an awareness of our importance.

Have you ever felt as if you’re radiant—shimmering like a brilliant star—then suddenly recognized your luminosity was blocked out or overshadowed by someone, or something, “shinier” than you? If that happens, choose to rise from your somber slumber and rouse the sleeping dragon whose fire is not to destroy you but to give you the courage and fortitude to move ahead, to dismiss voices that halt you in the quest for enlightenment and self-worth. Remember, your value, right where you are, is incredible.

No matter where you live, your economic status, or how strewn with litter the emotional landscape may seem, you can be a catalyst of transformation on our planet and make a difference.

You are a glowing beacon begging to be set free, a significant role as God’s treasure. Lean into your value, recognizing all you have to offer.

May today bring you blessings.

With Love,


Food For Thought

One thought on “Metamorphose: transformation, alteration, reshaping

  1. That;s so beautiful, Kay, and true.  We need to clean our lens to see how others live and think!  Our viewpoints are certainly not the only way to see things.  


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