The Fabric of You

A while ago, I made pillow covers from delicate fabric with silk fibers of amazing colors. These different threads, woven together, make gorgeous patterns of free form flowers and leaves. The non-selvage edge of this fabric unravels easily and really looking at each strand, I was surprised by how much movement and beauty they had, lying next to each other. Each thread is beautiful and shimmery by itself, but together they are stunning.

We’re a lot like that piece of fabric. When we’re “put together,” we feel a lot more beautiful, willing to put ourselves out there a bit more. When all of our “threads” are woven in just the right pattern, it seems like people look at us differently than when we “come undone.” We sometimes believe that we always have to look like the new pillow sitting on the sofa—no scars, no tears, no signs of wear, no frayed edges. We dismiss the fact that each individual thread of us is splendid on its own. We forget that having a history is okay—that our life stories are what make us who we are.

Sometimes, we don’t see beyond our human exterior. Like the down-filled forms I used for these pillows, often the “behind the scenes” pieces of us aren’t given their due because they’re never seen. What do you fill yourself with? Do you put unhealthy food into your body or saturate yourself with negativity and fear? Do you harbor anger and hatred or hold sadness and loneliness in your heart? Do you fill your mind with violence and tragedy? Do you internalize all the hurt that’s been thrown at you by saying, “I must not be worthwhile”?

The uniqueness of each of us is our calling card—the gorgeous material, the threadbare areas worn down in love, the stuff we choose to remain filled with, and the stuff we decide to let go of. All of these are the fibers of who we are. How we choose to sit on the sofa of life is something we get to decide every day.

Look at what makes up the fabric of your life. Love yourself even when you’re not “altogether,” even when you feel like you’re “falling apart at the seams.” Choose to weave together all the threads of who you are, creating an amazing masterpiece, God’s masterpiece, creating you.

Instagram: @peace_full_home

©peace full®/intentional living, 2013-2020

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2 thoughts on “The Fabric of You

  1. I love this ….” The uniqueness of each of us is our calling card—the gorgeous material, the threadbare areas worn down in love, the stuff we choose to remain filled with, and the stuff we decide to let go of. All of these are the fibers of who we are. How we choose to sit on the sofa of life is something we get to decide every day.”
    What a great analogy!


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